Fan Mail Tuesday, November 21, 2000
Several times a day, we now get Fan Mail for the Nine Inch Nose Hairs. It's great! Today however, we got my favorite fan email so far...

Wow, not what I expected, but very funny! I hit play at my desk at work and was diving for the speaker volume as our CFO was walking by, looking very suspiciously at my PC.
"What the hell is that?" he said.
"I'm not sure, but they're from Austin" I replied.
"Oh" he mumbled. "Is that really Pat Buchanan?" he asked.
"I don't think so" I replied.
He went back to his office. I don't think I'll see him near my desk for the rest of the day. For that alone I owe you guys a big thanks

Greetings to Austin from my dark corner cubicle in New York


If you're confused, we recorded a track called Buchanans Concession Speech about the elections... it was me talking, not Buchanan. He admitted defeat, and well, its pretty funny. If you want to hear it sometime, tell someone, we'll try and figure out a way you can.



2 - Sarah Wednesday, November 22, 2000
N/A ( )
YEAH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA!!! =D Aww =( Sniff I didn't get a special birthday update. J/k, Olivia deserves it more than me. =) And DUDE Matt how come I never got my complimentary CD? =) I've never heard all this junk. I guess I'll just have to start buying... haha

1 - Olivia Tuesday, November 21, 2000
N/A ( )
Awww, thank you very very much. =) Except I can't see the rose =*( Hehe, es ok... I think I know what rose it is, but of course, I'm probably wrong. =) Thanks!


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