October 17, 1999 - November 19, 1999

Today's odd Friday, November 19, 1999
Yep, today (11/19/1999) is odd. And the last odd day of your life too. All the numbers in today's date are odd. Kewl, eh? =) The next time this happens won't be until 1/1/3111... so unless you live a couple thousand years... well, ya know. =)

And no, I didn't just all of the sudden realize this... I'm not THAT much of a loser. =) Carlson sent it to me. =)

Birthday StUfF Friday, November 19, 1999
I've added the stuff I made for birthdays (right now, only Sarah's and Olivia's) to the StUfF page. Some funny stuff I think. =) Check it out.

651 Sunday, November 14, 1999
Wow, over 650 hits to my humble site. I'm so proud. (Heh, not really... considering that TiberiumSun.com gets a couple thousand everyday... heh... *cough* Of course I'm not bragging... *cough* =). Hey, just a bit over 300 more and I'll hit 1000! Woohoo! I think that about 200-300+ of the hits to this site are from me. *Sigh* =)

Oh, Ochs, Minix... what's up with Mercury X? It's down right now... are you guys ever going to do anything with it? =)

Wabba wabba! Saturday, November 6, 1999
Hehehe!!! I'm in that wabba mood! ...and I've written and article on it! RIGHT HERE! Hehehehe... WABBA! Enjoy!... ok.. now to bug Minix a bit more... =)

Stuff! =) Saturday, November 6, 1999
I've added the 15th page to the Pics! section and added another article (The Huck Paradox) to the Articles page. Here's an excerpt:

There is one question that plagues us all. "What if Huck Finn was running at the speed of light and spit?" You know you ask it everyday. It is the one question that all of us seek the answer to. What is the answer?

Enjoy! Click here to read the rest. =)

Halloween Pics! Friday, November 5, 1999
The pics from Halloween week are in! Wahoo! I've added 24 pics to the Pics! section. Making pages, -9-, -10-, -11-, -12-, -13-, and -14-! Enjoy!

Articles! Tuesday, October 26, 1999
I've added the Articles section to OliverWEB. I'll be putting stuff like the Hoodlums! story on that page. I've already added one more story. Go over there and check it out! =)

More and more! Thursday, October 21, 1999
Yes, I've added even MORE stuff to OliverWEB. =) I've added a few more quotes to the random generator's list of quotes (which can be seen here) and added another pics section, making page eight! I've linked to the Quotes page from the sidebar (the '-' means that the link is a subsection of the section above it) and added the Olivetti page (which I thought was quite funny =) to my StUfF.

Poll Wednesday, October 20, 1999
Some morons were voting for "horrible" for moronic reasons, so I've editted the poll 'just a little bit' ;) Communist? Freedom of speech? Bias? Bad statistical analysis? What? Of course not. What do you think this is? Gallup? ;)

Yet more pics! Tuesday, October 19, 1999
I've added eight more pics to the Pics! section, making pages -6-, and -7-. Have fun! =) Oh yeah...
Phoooey to you people who voted "horrible" in my poll! =) I'm Computer Club President, which just shows how l337 I am! ;) Should I carry on the Computer Club tradition and do absolutely nothing? Or should we actually do something this year?
I've also added the random quotes to the top of every page. If you have good, fun quotes, email me. ;)

Pics and Stuff Monday, October 18, 1999
I've added the Pics! section to OliverWEB. Funny stuff there. =) You have got to check it out. I've only been able to scan in eight pics at the time of this posting, but there'll be more (very possibly by the time you read this =). Also, I changed the text color to a light grey... how's it look? =)

Eye strain? Sunday, October 17, 1999
Does any part of the site put a strain on your eyes? I think it's fine, but my parents said the grey text was too hard to read (it's white now)... let me know what you think.