November 25, 1999 - December 23, 1999

Merry Christmas! Thursday, December 23, 1999
If for some reason, you didn't get an email from me... visit my eChristmas Card here! =) Have a Merry Christmas... you too Minix. ;)

Ahhh... Tuesday, December 21, 1999
I was inspired today.

Minix1F: you're a dork =)
Wow, such power... such poetry... wow, I'm awed. Oh, look at the moon tomorrow (Wed.), it'll be cool.

I'm scared Tuesday, December 21, 1999

Minix1F: goodbye sweetie
Enough said. I think I'm going to go hide now...

COOL! Monday, December 20, 1999
I found something FUNNY man... this is hilarious...!!! Right here! Man... that was great. ;)

Just thought... Monday, December 20, 1999
...I'd share a little chat with you guys today. Here ya go:

PiFactor5: dang... I keep on looking at the Mx logo... it's awesome =)
DAN32110: i know..
DAN32110: and whos idea was it..
DAN32110: hehehe..
PiFactor5: and who made it? =)
DAN32110: Ochs pretty smooth
DAN32110: hehe..
DAN32110: and who told wong
DAN32110: what font to use..
DAN32110: hehehe
PiFactor5: Wong's got da skills too =)
DAN32110: yes he does
DAN32110: !!!
Ahh... I know it. =)

Hahahahaa... Monday, December 20, 1999
Another funny link about compuidiots (ahh.. I just thought of that myself... I'm sooo proud *cough* =)... right here. Also, I got lazy, so I didn't convert this chat into HTML format, but you can download it here. It's between Sarah and Minix... and everything about me in there is not true. Jerks. =)

LOL! Monday, December 20, 1999
I found a funny link today... it's called: "Diary of an AOL Luser" heh... it's pretty funny. =) The guy is like a Minix clone or something (j/k ;).. Right here. =)

My House! Saturday, December 18, 1999
I found my house! =) Hehe... actually... I hacked into a Russian spy satellite and took a picture of my house. (j/k). Go here to see for yourself. =)

MS Movie Wednesday, December 15, 1999
I found another movie! This one's smaller, and not as funny as the last one, but still kinda funny. =) It's the last file listed in the Stuff page. Enjoy. =)

Movie! Tuesday, December 14, 1999
I found a HILARIOUS MPEG (movie format) movie!!! Go to the end of the Stuff page and download the zip file. It's SOOO FUNNY! =)

Ch@t Logs =) Friday, November 26, 1999
I've added a new section to OliverWEB! =) Ch@ts! I've uploaded a few chats there, and I'll add more later. =) So, go on over and read the strange things we talk about. Like always, enjoy. =)

Pantalones Thursday, November 25, 1999
I've uploaded the pantalones song sung by Chad, Minix, and Joey. =) It's pathetic... but it's funny. It's in the Stuff page. Enjoy... I guess... =)