(2000 / 1999)

<-- Picture by Olivia, I believe she is trying to promote anorexia or something...


Just Stuff
Magestry03, yeah, I actually changed it!! =D
Smiley Version:
Usually =) or =D
hm... most is probably... just... hanging out with my friends... if that counts as a hobby... or else just bein on the computer and bein lazy
"Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end" ... well, ok, it's a good quote but not my favorite I don't think, I just decided to put that there. =) 
School Subject:
Heh, I dunno, I'm not really good at school
Cartoon Character:
Would Larry-Boy count? Oh well, Veggietales is cute anyhow... but.. uh... cartoon cartoon... what'd I say last year? Oh.. ok, I don't really have one. =)
Comic Character:
Still Garfield I guess.. I don't really do comic stuff...
blue/purple/green... I like lavender bunches too ^.^
Chinese or Italian ^.^
Probably The Carousel... I love all of Richard Paul Evans' books.. =), I guess that I like the Carousel the best because... main characters are younger so I could "relate" to them... and... love story, ok, I guess I really am a girly girl and I just like those things, ok? OK! =)
Matrix, Remember the Titans, October Sky.. 
Board/Non-electronic Game:
Pictionary.. I guess MJ is cool too ^.^ 
Electronic Game:
Counter-Strike!!! Lol... I've been playing so much lately and I still wouldn't be able to take the guys on... =( Sniff
Type of Music:
mixture... I think mostly kinda.. soft with good meaning or punk.. =) with good meaning... =) Ska? I dunno =)
Toughie.. I don't think I have a favorite right now... just.. I like a couple songs a bunch... i.e. Crazy for this Girl, Hanging by a Moment, Every New Day, ya know... =)
Love, feeling that God is right there with you with His hand on your shoulder telling you it'll be okay... but that goes right along with Love too so =) 
sight or hearing... I dunno.. I'm just very very grateful I have both
probably dog... otters cute ^.^
TV Show:
don't watch enough TV to know.. I like 7th Heaven a lot though.. from what I've seen of it... Touched by an Angel was a good show too.. haven't seen it in a long time tho...
I have a lot... I dunno which is my favorite though... Either really fun times I had when I was younger, or just overall cool ones these past 2 and some years while in high school... i have some bad memories too... *argh*
Other Stuff
Overly-used word, phrase, or whatever:
Um... <-- that could be one... a smiley ^.^... =)... =D... ~.~.... lol... =) oh.. um... ok...
Funniest Moment:
Hmm... I don't remember.. maybe when my mom/dad (forgot which one) drew that funky looking... uh.. I think it was a kangaroo but it looked like some frog or something.. =)
Pet peeve(s):
I dunno, maybe a pet peeve would be myself and who I am... =) I know that's weird.. anyhoo... um.. People cussing for no particular reason, but just cussing to just say it and look cool... people who say they're Christians but aren't really... people who think they know everything and think they're so hot when they AREN'T at all... people who expect too much out of me... and btw... sorry Oliver (about the toothpaste thing.. hehe... sorry, I just can't stay in the bathroom and watch myself brush my teeth, it's a weird habit now)
I'm Olivia. Haha, hehe, hoho... right. If you look at my pictures (if Oliver ends up putting pics on these.. hmm) then.. yeah.. that's me... 
Livi, Livia, Lollipop ;)... um.. I dunno =)
Things I call Oliver:
Gawh Gawh? 

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Yet more stuff about... me.
Usually, how messy/clean is your room? (1-10, 10 being most messy):
Um... 7-8... just cause my room isn't big enough to hold all my junk =)
Where do you think you'll be in one year?
Lol... in one year I'll be prepping to be a Senior... hopefully doin alright in school... yeah.. not much... yeah.. =)
Five years?
I will be... prepping to be a Senior in college? Hehe... hopefully dating someone cool... hopefully almost totally mature.. having good judgment and stuff like that... yeah... I'll be 20. =) Working hard in college... yeah... building up my life
Ten years?
25! Married? Workin on my life.. more... =) Making it better, working out stuff... um... having.. kids? Lol.. I dunno, how about in 10 years when this is Friends 2011, I'll tell ya ok? =)
What do you want your future to be like?
Walking in God's light.. and if I'm walking in God's light.. maybe that'll explain the rest of my future
3 Wishes:
1. That I would just grow up (emotionally.. it's personal, ok?)
2. That whatever I do with my life, it'll be for God
3. Just to live in God's light
I think I'll just ask to write this out later.. when it's not 11 at night =) (I know that's not that late, but oh well, I actually did active stuff today)
I'll do this later when I'm mad at something or whatever.
Blah, Blah, and Blah.
I hate ketchup
I hate tomatoes too
Beaver 1, Beaver all, let's all do the beaver call! Che che (etc. ;)), Beaver 2, Beaver 3, let's all climb the beaver tree... etc. etc....
[Insert your own question here.]
Am I?
NINH? =)
lol.. cool band... when is your concert?
If you had to name a soft drink...
If you were running for President...
I don't think I would... I care about politics but... it's not a main interest.. sorry. =)

Minix >>

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All Rights Reserved