
Just Stuff
Smiley Version:
dancing and hanging out with my that I can finally drive! 
"Never frown because you don't know who's falling in love with your smile"

"People are like stained glass windows. They shine bright when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, the true beauty is revealed by the light inside." 
School Subject:
hmm...probably English, but not last year, cause Mrs. Black was stupid 
Cartoon Character:
probably Larry the Cucumber from VeggieTales 
Comic Character:
I love the Zits comics...and LuAnn 
yellow...and different shades of lavender 
I don't really know...whatever I'm craving at the time 
Leota's Garden by Francine Rivers 
Save the Last Dance 
Board/Non-electronic Game:
hmmm...probably "Be Mean to Your Neighbor" that's a card game that my family plays 
Electronic Game:
lol...this is real loser-ish of me, but Solitiare (sp?) 
Type of Music:
everything...I'm really into hip-hop and country though 
I don't have just one..I'd go on forever trying to list them all 
Love....being with your family and having a great time 
I don't really know...I love them all, the only one I think I could really do without might be smell...but I still like that one too :o) 
horse, basset hound 
TV Show:
Friends, I Love Lucy 
hmm...there is lots...prom was cool...I really don't know, the only memory that truly sticks out in my head is my aunt's death, but I can't say that is my favorite 
Other Stuff
Overly-used word, phrase, or whatever:
"like" "um" "uh" and probably "..." 
Funniest Moment:
lol...there have been tons...when my grandparents came over to go swimming and my grandpa's legs were so white!! I have lots of funny stories about my family 
Pet peeve(s):
People who want something, but won't give their all to get it...they expect it just to be handed to them...and when people make snap judgements about someone and then won't let go of it, even when they get to know the person 
I'm about 5'3", brown eyes, blonde hair (I highlighted it btw), kinda tan, pretty muscular (I'm a dancer), I smile a lot :o) 
Fer Fer, JennAY, Nutter Butter, Skipper 
Things I call Oliver:
that dweeb who's life falls in my, that sounds wrong...his life is controlled by my butt 

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Yet more stuff about... me.
Usually, how messy/clean is your room? (1-10, 10 being most messy):
usually like an 8 or 9, but the past few weeks I've been keeping it at like a 1 
Where do you think you'll be in one year?
chilling with my friends...getting ready to be Senoirs 
Five years?
21...hmm...hopefully off dancing somewhere cool, finishing my degree in dance
Ten years?
26...hopefully still dancing somewhere cool, and possibly finding a place to open my studio 
What do you want your future to be like?
What God wants it to be like 
3 Wishes:
1. Someone to find a cure for cancer 
2. Everyone would love God with all of their hearts 
3. God to move through me and my dancing to reach other people's lives 
You know...I've been at my dad's for almost 2 weeks now, and I didn't 
realize how close I have gotten to my friends since I've been away from them so long. I love you guys!! 
Don't really have any right now. 
Blah, Blah, and Blah.
ooh, I like the new green kind! it's cool :o) 
they lower the risk of prostate cancer 
3...4...5...6...7...8.... (I can count!) 
[Insert your own question here.]
What am I going to put here?

I don't know... 
NINH? =)
funny name 
If you had to name a soft drink...
NurseSalt (hehe...instead of Dr. Pepper) 
If you were running for President...
I would want you to vote for me 

Brook >>

Copyright � 2001 Oliver Wong
All Rights Reserved