Chat: Oliver & Sarah

Luckyflt03: hahahah I didn't know Amanda was gonna quote me on that...
PiFactor5: hehe...
PiFactor5: I'm Oliver.
PiFactor5: who are you?
Luckyflt03: I'm Sarah.
Luckyflt03: woah
PiFactor5: oh
Luckyflt03: I knew what you were going to say.
PiFactor5: Hello Sarah.
Luckyflt03: I'm psychic.
Luckyflt03: Hello Oliver.
Luckyflt03: Nice to meet you.
PiFactor5: Nice to meet you too.
Luckyflt03: ok..... where are you going with this?
PiFactor5: I am a person. What are you?
Luckyflt03: lol....
Luckyflt03: ic....
PiFactor5: (I dunno where I'm going =)
PiFactor5: I'm lost. Do you have a map?
Luckyflt03: I'm a... dang... I forgot the scientific name for human beings...
Luckyflt03: Yeah, if you can find my house.
PiFactor5: (homo sapien)
Luckyflt03: yeah yeah shut up smart one
PiFactor5: I'm lost! How am I supposed to find your house from here?
Luckyflt03: well then you don't get a map!
PiFactor5: You're not very nice. I should never have talked to you.
Luckyflt03: Thanks..... um....
PiFactor5: I'll introduce myself to Jennifer. I mean... that other girl I don't know.
Luckyflt03: yeah...
Luckyflt03: lol
Luckyflt03: yeah
PiFactor5: I'm watching TV.
PiFactor5: Watch Spot run.
PiFactor5: Spot is a dog.
Luckyflt03: noooo it's not that
Luckyflt03: it's
Luckyflt03: see Jane.
Luckyflt03: See Jane run.
Luckyflt03: =)
PiFactor5: Oh.
Luckyflt03: I"m watching.... this screen. It's not doing much.
Luckyflt03: where's Olivia?
PiFactor5: Who's Olivia?
Luckyflt03: ugh
Luckyflt03: your sister
PiFactor5: I only know a Jennifer and a Sarah right now.
PiFactor5: I have a sister?
PiFactor5: I have a family!?!?
Luckyflt03: actually two
Luckyflt03: No your an alien! Sheesh...
Luckyflt03: *you're
PiFactor5: I'm an alien. Am I an illegal alien?
Luckyflt03: um........ sure?
PiFactor5: Uh oh.
PiFactor5: Where am I?
Luckyflt03: en la cama?
PiFactor5: In the bed?!
Luckyflt03: LOL
Luckyflt03: oops........
Luckyflt03: ok.... I forgot the word for house
PiFactor5: (casa!)
Luckyflt03: somehow I always do that.... good thing never in spanish
Luckyflt03: casa cama same difference
PiFactor5: Person1 and Person2 are both sleeping in the same "casa". ... Is much different than: Person1 and Person2 are both sleeping in the same "cama".
Luckyflt03: LOL!!!
Luckyflt03: it's only one letter different!
Luckyflt03: I didn't mean to...
Luckyflt03: btw, do these things just pop in your head?
PiFactor5: So what? Duck and **** have only a one letter difference. If you said "duck you!" you have a much different effect than "**** you!"
PiFactor5: Yes, they do.
Luckyflt03: Did I mix up Duck and ****? I don't think so...
PiFactor5: So!?!
Luckyflt03: so....
Luckyflt03: stop making stupid analogies. =)
Luckyflt03: btw, is Minix like never on anymore?
PiFactor5: Who's Minix?
PiFactor5: Sounds like a moron to me.
Luckyflt03: ugh..... stop playing this game now... just for like.... 1 minute
PiFactor5: Somehow I get the feeling that he went to a tournament to San Antonio... I must have special powers or something.
Luckyflt03: lol.... thanks....
Luckyflt03: when's he come back?
Luckyflt03: I haven't talked to him for like 2 weeks...
PiFactor5: My powers aren't that good.
Luckyflt03: come on
Luckyflt03: dumbo
PiFactor5: Really, my powers aren't that good.
Luckyflt03: lol I get it
Luckyflt03: oh... and can your powers tell you
Luckyflt03: where Olivia is?
PiFactor5: Who's Olivia again?
Luckyflt03: your sister...
PiFactor5: Oh, I sense a disturbance in the force.
Luckyflt03: ?
PiFactor5: I sense that she is playing dress up.
Luckyflt03: yeah.............
Luckyflt03: come on.... really!
PiFactor5: She's trying on some kind of clothes for something called the military ball. Whatever that is...
Luckyflt03: oh =) cooool
Luckyflt03: she's princess.. hehe
PiFactor5: Maybe a military ball is something similar to a cannon?
PiFactor5: Cannon ball I mean.
PiFactor5: She is!?!
PiFactor5: I'm royalty?!
Luckyflt03: Um......... yeah. She's getting dressed up to be a cannon ball.
Luckyflt03: Yeah, you married her
Luckyflt03: =) hahahaha
PiFactor5: Oh no!
Luckyflt03: wha?
PiFactor5: For real!?!
Luckyflt03: yeah..................... haa
PiFactor5: OH NO!
Luckyflt03: what's wrong?
Luckyflt03: She's very nice
PiFactor5: Remind me to get a divorce when I find my way home.
Luckyflt03: hahahahah
Luckyflt03: oh come on...... she's your true love!
Luckyflt03: What's wrong?
PiFactor5: Do you have a brother, Samantha?
Luckyflt03: That would be Sarah, and my brother's name is Brian.
PiFactor5: Oh, whatever.
Luckyflt03: Ok, George.
PiFactor5: If Brad was nice, would you marry him, Steve?
Luckyflt03: no............
Luckyflt03: =)
Luckyflt03: If I were a guy, I wouldn't marry another guy
PiFactor5: So you see my point now, Simon?
Luckyflt03: no
Luckyflt03: You wouldn't be gay if you married Olivia
Luckyflt03: =)
PiFactor5: Oh. Jeremy told me you were blonde. I see why now.
Luckyflt03: Jeremy? Who's that?
PiFactor5: I thought you were a girl. Is your brother a girl?
Luckyflt03: LOL
Luckyflt03: you're starting to confuse me with your stupidness.
PiFactor5: I mean Jeremiah.
PiFactor5: Or something like that. Whatever her name is.
Luckyflt03: ?
Luckyflt03: Jennifer!
Luckyflt03: ha
PiFactor5: So, do you have a map, Saliva?
Luckyflt03: UGH
Luckyflt03: go away
PiFactor5: Oh, did I get your name wrong? That happens sometimes... Sorry Sergio.
Luckyflt03: dang.... not enough O names.... that's why I went to others
Luckyflt03: Bessie.
PiFactor5: Who's Bessie?
Luckyflt03: you.
PiFactor5: Really?
PiFactor5: Somehow I always thought my name was Oliver...
Luckyflt03: no, it's actually Timothy
PiFactor5: I dunno how I ever mixed those up.
Luckyflt03: actually, I think it's Crusty.
PiFactor5: Oh.... now Timothy and Oliver are very similar... I see how I could mix those up, Sardinia.
PiFactor5: Oh wow!
PiFactor5: Do you have a bad memory too?
Luckyflt03: OH I got it now!!!
Luckyflt03: It's not crusty, It's OILY!!!
Luckyflt03: See, you are kind of crusty too.
Luckyflt03: but that's not your name
PiFactor5: Oh.
PiFactor5: Do you know a lot about me?
PiFactor5: You see, I have a bad memory. Tell me about mommy.
Luckyflt03: mmmm... sort of
Luckyflt03: Your Mommy is...... married to your Daddy.
PiFactor5: WOW!
Luckyflt03: I helped you out alot there, didn't I?
PiFactor5: Who would have thought that...
PiFactor5: Thanks!
Luckyflt03: you're welcome!
Luckyflt03: I'm so smart
PiFactor5: You don't know how much joy that brought to my heart, Serendippity.
Luckyflt03: is that how it's seriously spelt, Oily?
PiFactor5: That's what I thought your name was spelled like, Scratchinia.
Luckyflt03: Scratch.... ugh... DIE
PiFactor5: Hold on, I'm processing data that Jordania gave me.
Luckyflt03: Jordania?
Luckyflt03: Jennifer...
PiFactor5: Okay, I'm done processing the information.
Luckyflt03: and what would that data be?
PiFactor5: She says that her name is Jennifer.
PiFactor5: Very contraversial data... I had to ponder for a while.
Luckyflt03: ah, I see. that's what I've been telling u....
PiFactor5: Okay.. hehe, I think that's enough to send to that Oliver guy for him to put on OliverWEB.
PiFactor5: Whatever that is.
Luckyflt03: Oh, you dont' know what that is?
Luckyflt03: Don't worry about it, you're not missing out on anything.
Luckyflt03: It's just a pile of junk.
PiFactor5: My telepathic powers just told me... but I have to go now.
Luckyflt03: oh.
Luckyflt03: Goodbye, Tommy.
Luckyflt03: Have fun with Lassie.
PiFactor5: Byebye Strawberry Shortcake

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