Chat: Oliver & Minix & Sarah

Minix1F: hey
PiFactor5: hey
PiFactor5: you just lost $200
Minix1F: ah =(
PiFactor5: ru really going to give her it?
Minix1F: seriously?
Minix1F: i made bet, I lost, so yeah
PiFactor5: yikes...
PiFactor5: well, you have good job, you can do it I guess...
Minix1F: yeah
Minix1F: no christmas gifts though =)
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: it's ok =)
PiFactor5: you just gotta but me a computer in January
Minix1F: yr
PiFactor5: hehe...
PiFactor5: why can't you make me those kinds of bets?
PiFactor5: how about... if I Felix doesn't get the deal, you give me $1500?
Minix1F: hmm ok, I bet you 200 that you make majestics, if you try out next year =)
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: if he does, you give me $100
PiFactor5: that sounds fair to me
Minix1F: nah, sowwy =) only if you try for majestics
Minix1F: dang, she sent my hyper email though
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: k
Minix1F: tomm is going to SUCK!
PiFactor5: `why?
PiFactor5: brb
Minix1F: lol
PiFactor5: k
PiFactor5: so.. why?
Minix1F: i've completely lost my voice
PiFactor5: why? how?
Minix1F: my cold earlier this week, together with work and speech I guess
Minix1F: my brother has been making fun of me all day, glad that I couldn't talk back.....or he was, till he found out my hands could talk
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: he deserved it...i hope hes recovering now though...
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: lol... this is funny... Sarah is too gullible.. lol
Minix1F: i know =)
PiFactor5: hehe, we'll tell her we were making it up... and she won't believe us.. hahaha...
Minix1F: well, we really did have a secret, just had absolutely NOTHING to do with her
PiFactor5: uhhh.. what was secret again?...
PiFactor5: oh yeah!
PiFactor5: lol...
PiFactor5: haha, yeah =)
Minix1F: =)
Minix1F: poor poor Sarah....
Minix1F: we should let her find out, by posting a chat, where we talk about her gullibility, on Oliverweb
Minix1F: =)
PiFactor5: yeah, we should
PiFactor5: maybe this one?
PiFactor5: hehehe
Minix1F: I dunno, kind of soon dont you think....
Minix1F: well actually, I guess this would be a good one
Minix1F: SARAH - If you're reading this, you really are gullible, and whats up with the ego? thinking we would keep a secret about you!?? Ha!
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: =)
PiFactor5: that's true... why would we keep secrets about Sarah?...
Minix1F: Sarah - Sorry about that last comment, just had to =)
Minix1F: because of your infatuation with her
PiFactor5: I mean.. we all already know that you love her...
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: we thought of the same thing...
Minix1F: (Note for Sarah - Infatuation is the same thing as a crush, =))
Minix1F: lol,
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: (Sarah: Minix IS joking....)
PiFactor5: (...and so was I)
Minix1F: Sarah - Why would you believe that?!
Minix1F: oh crud...
Minix1F: OLIVER WAS JOKING! i wasnt!
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: sure sure...
Minix1F: i hope she isn't crying at our meanness by this point....
Minix1F: (-3x)to the negative first power times 2y = .6xy right?
PiFactor5: wha?...
Minix1F: the answer is .6xy right?
PiFactor5: (-3x)^-1 = 1/(-3x)
Minix1F: NM!
PiFactor5: oh wait.. times...
PiFactor5: would be... 2y/-3x
Minix1F: we can censor out that part right?
Minix1F: Luckyflt03: so????
Luckyflt03: ur not going to tell me anything?
Luckyflt03: :-(
PiFactor5: hehe
PiFactor5: get on AIM... we can have a chat room thingy
Minix1F: one it after you put the conversation up....we need to put up her reaction too =)
PiFactor5: put this up now?
Minix1F: yeah
Minix1F: hi Sarah! Sorry!
PiFactor5: k, hold on
---Later in Chat room---

You have just entered room "
Supermanboy Chat29."
Luckyflt03 has entered the room.
Luckyflt03: hello
Supermanboy: ok, before.....
Luckyflt03: Helooooooooooo?
Luckyflt03: oh
Supermanboy: Oliver and I have something to show you
Luckyflt03: um
Supermanboy: =)
Luckyflt03: should I be scared?
Supermanboy: then I think I can tell you the other one, but gotta do this first =)
PiFactor5: ah, hold on
Supermanboy: yeah =)
Luckyflt03: ayeeee
Luckyflt03: I have to get off soon
PiFactor5: I'll take a few minutes.. I'm doing something else right now too...
Luckyflt03: my brother has to write college essays
PiFactor5: aye...
Luckyflt03: SIGH
Luckyflt03: can you tell me this tomorrow night?
Luckyflt03: Friday... yeah, everyone won't be busy then
Luckyflt03: right?
Luckyflt03: *silence*
Luckyflt03: this is a one sided conversation...
PiFactor5: ummmmmm...
PiFactor5: it's a secret you might want to know though
Luckyflt03: well, unless it's fast, I have to go
PiFactor5: but if you want to wait unil tomorrow, we're in no rush =)
Luckyflt03: is it important I know today?
Luckyflt03: helloooo
PiFactor5: not really
Luckyflt03: ooook
PiFactor5: but you're the one who wanted to know so bad
Luckyflt03: now I'm really curious
Luckyflt03: yeah I know
Luckyflt03: but I can't help it
Supermanboy: ah shoot
Luckyflt03: Like I said, my brother is doing essays for college
Supermanboy: =( mean Sarahs brother
Supermanboy: j/k
Luckyflt03: well my parents are making him
Luckyflt03: haha
PiFactor5: heh, ok =)
Luckyflt03: so mean Sarah's parents
Luckyflt03: well darn it
Luckyflt03: of all the times....
Luckyflt03: sigh
Luckyflt03: well bye
PiFactor5: heh, bye =)
Luckyflt03: ttyl... after school tomorrow
Luckyflt03: better tell me then
Luckyflt03: bye
Supermanboy: darn =) talk to you Sunday or so
Luckyflt03: what?
Luckyflt03: BYE
Luckyflt03 has left the room.
PiFactor5: heh..... ahh well =)

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