Chat: Oliver & Minix

Minix1F: hi
PiFactor5: hey
PiFactor5: hello?
Minix1F: um Paul and Mellissa schroeder related to brian?
PiFactor5: eh... don't think so
PiFactor5: why?
PiFactor5: I got my script to work! =)
PiFactor5: hahahahaha
PiFactor5: ok... now I gotta add some...
Minix1F: lol its cool
Minix1F: what are you going to add?
PiFactor5: try it =)
PiFactor5: no HTML
PiFactor5: it'll kill the things inside the
Minix1F: heheheheh
PiFactor5: what's something stupid you've said? =)
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: should I put: "I rack your nuts off..."

PiFactor5: lol =)
PiFactor5: should I? should I? =)
Minix1F: yeah
PiFactor5: okie dokey....
PiFactor5: umm...
PiFactor5: what else...
Minix1F: hehehe :-)
PiFactor5: add more! add more! =) heh...
Minix1F: adding one now!
PiFactor5: oh, ok =) heh
Minix1F: long one though....
PiFactor5: oh well... put it up and I'll see =)
PiFactor5: tell me when it's up
Minix1F: ok, till have long ways to go though
PiFactor5: man, how long is it?
Minix1F: a song
PiFactor5: ack
Minix1F: not a long song
Minix1F: but a song :-)
PiFactor5: ugh
PiFactor5: fine... if it's TOO long though, I'll have to take it off, lol...
Minix1F: oh......water buffalo song?
PiFactor5: don't put that up....
Minix1F: drats!
Minix1F: all that for nothing!
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: oh..
PiFactor5: I should add something
PiFactor5: Location/Occation
PiFactor5: err...
PiFactor5: Occasion
PiFactor5: I gotta clear them again... doh
PiFactor5: no wait...
PiFactor5: ok...
Minix1F: heheh
PiFactor5: what?
PiFactor5: oh, lol
PiFactor5: don't do that...
PiFactor5: I hate that...
PiFactor5: at least make your email the right one
PiFactor5: I think that's one of my peeves =)
Minix1F: :-)
Minix1F: oops
Minix1F: :-)

Auto response from PiFactor5
: I am:
a. in the bathroom.
b. in the kitchen eating a snack.
c. in the kitchen eating dinner.
d. in the kitchen eating lunch.
e. in my room asleep.
f. just not here.
g. here, but I don't want to talk with you. =)
h. a super guy.
i. the best guy you know.
j. the person you will give all your money to.
k. all of the above... no wait a sec....
Please leave your social security n
umber, your credit card numbers, bank
account number(s), home address, phone number, mother's maiden name, and
any password(s) I may need to take your money, and I will contact you when I
feel like it. Thanks, have a nice day.

PiFactor5: k, back
Minix1F: :-)
Minix1F: I was wondering
PiFactor5: ...
Minix1F: if mx were to get say 2000 hits a day for a whole month
PiFactor5: yeah...
Minix1F: do you thnk that Gamestats would give us domain name?
PiFactor5: no
PiFactor5: heh =)
Minix1F: drats
Minix1F: 4000?
PiFactor5: no...
Minix1F: 10000?
Minix1F: oh foofy
PiFactor5: hey, the everquest site doesn't have it's own domain and it got 600k+
PiFactor5: in a week
Minix1F: greedy little......
Minix1F: yeah, but they said on site they chose that
PiFactor5: and... Mx is a hosted site...
PiFactor5: not an affiliate...
PiFactor5: if you were an affiliate...
PiFactor5: you'd get part of the money produced by the ads...
PiFactor5: which you could use to get a domain name...
PiFactor5: but...
PiFactor5: hehe =)
Minix1F: hmmm so you dont think if we got that many hits we could become
Minix1F: foofy
PiFactor5: um... probably not, since you're not really based on one game... which all the
other affiliates are...

PiFactor5: well, a few are general gaming...
PiFactor5: but I don't think they'll want more
Minix1F: all of themm?
Minix1F: oh
Minix1F: drats
Minix1F: well I still going to beg :-)
PiFactor5: um...
PiFactor5: don't do that
Minix1F: oh foof
Minix1F: hehe
Minix1F: brb
PiFactor5: k
Minix1F: ok
PiFactor5: *sigh*
PiFactor5: Olivia not too much of a thinker right now...
Minix1F: noticed...
PiFactor5: *sigh*
PiFactor5: dumdedum...
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: *sigh*...
PiFactor5: explain to Olivia that people won't know who said it....
PiFactor5: =)
PiFactor5: and that it's not that big of a thing...
PiFactor5: sheesh, I said "Anon is funny." that was retarded... lol =)
Minix1F: well, it could be, like my mom gets really mad when she says
something that wasnt intelligent exactly, just different people I guess
Minix1F: I think its not that people know she said it
Minix1F: but reminder that she said it to herself
PiFactor5: *sigh*
Minix1F: sorry
Minix1F: but I'll try
PiFactor5: hehe, ok ok =)
PiFactor5: lol, did Olivia block me?
Minix1F: if she did she blocked us both
PiFactor5: oh, heh, ok
PiFactor5: um...
PiFactor5: hm...
PiFactor5: oh, nm...
Minix1F: ooook
PiFactor5: =)
PiFactor5: more quotes... more quotes...
PiFactor5: I'm trying to think of something stupid I said =)
PiFactor5: hehe...
Minix1F: :-) shouldnt be hard
PiFactor5: shut up =)
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: something stupid...
Minix1F: dunno
PiFactor5: ugh...
PiFactor5: think, think.........
PiFactor5: can't think...
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: thats it!
Minix1F: "I cant think!"
PiFactor5: "can't think..."
PiFactor5: hehe
PiFactor5: ok...
Minix1F: why does Olivia keep getting on and off?
PiFactor5: I have no clue
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: what?
Minix1F: nothing
PiFactor5: ok...
PiFactor5: this chat is... 30k so far
PiFactor5: hehe
PiFactor5: 110k more to go, Minix! =)
PiFactor5: haha
Minix1F: yay!
Minix1F: we can do it!
Minix1F: right?
PiFactor5: ok... how? =)
PiFactor5: no flooding..
PiFactor5: we have to actually talk about something, hehe
Minix1F: ummmmmmmmm hmmm talk about those evil roly polys thatr plan
to take over canada then the us then the world?

PiFactor5: wha?
Minix1F: its true
PiFactor5: you're at 100% =)
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: evil roly poly's?
Minix1F: yay!
Minix1F: yes
PiFactor5: ehh..
PiFactor5: oops...
PiFactor5: heh, ah well...
PiFactor5: nm...
PiFactor5: =)
Minix1F: they have grass bombs you know
PiFactor5: I betg
PiFactor5: bet
Minix1F: very powerful, well in proportion
PiFactor5: lol ok...
Minix1F: have you ever seen one?
PiFactor5: uh oh...
PiFactor5: plural for dice...
Minix1F: able to wipe out all grass within 30 foot radius
PiFactor5: is die, right?
Minix1F: dunno
PiFactor5: eh...
PiFactor5: either that or di
PiFactor5: I think it's die
Minix1F: why?
PiFactor5: gg check... hehe
Minix1F: ooook.....
PiFactor5: yep...
PiFactor5: oops...
PiFactor5: no, die is singular for dice... my head is messed up...
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: lol
PiFactor5: oh well
PiFactor5: =)
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: ok...
Minix1F: ;-)
Minix1F: agh :-)
PiFactor5: what?
Minix1F: poor Sarah
PiFactor5: which one?
PiFactor5: Minix...
PiFactor5: did you do that?
Minix1F: reload
PiFactor5: Hecjeroth
PiFactor5: matt
Minix1F: hard to resist
PiFactor5: don't do that
Minix1F: thats me!
Minix1F: not impersonating
Minix1F: ooook
PiFactor5: I hate that
Minix1F: did you atleast check the email addreses?
PiFactor5: yeah
Minix1F: :-) ok I promise
Minix1F: I will never impersonate a real person again
Minix1F: Batman or anonymous though :-)
PiFactor5: heh, ok...
Minix1F: how long now?
PiFactor5: oh... hold on...
Minix1F: hm
PiFactor5: what?
PiFactor5: oh... oops
PiFactor5: ah, brb
Minix1F: he
Minix1F: he
Minix1F: where was the threat page?
PiFactor5: why?
PiFactor5: =)
Minix1F: there was one Im trying to remeber
Minix1F: argh remember
Minix1F: :-) thank you
PiFactor5: eh... ok...
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: 45k
Minix1F: cooooool
Minix1F: had to do it
PiFactor5: 95k more...
PiFactor5: what?...
PiFactor5: eh... lemme see...
Minix1F: hehe
PiFactor5: oh, ok...
Minix1F: brb
PiFactor5: k
Minix1F: ok
PiFactor5: k
Minix1F: :-P?
PiFactor5: yeah =P
Minix1F: heh, like my new addition to the sarah one, or anon?
PiFactor5: heh, ok...
Minix1F: I'm going to have too much fun with this
Minix1F: Animanime: oliver would whine and whine to me how u wouldn't tell
him exactly who likes him

PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: gg eat...
Minix1F: I think I have a quote for you now1
Minix1F: oooooh ok
PiFactor5: what?
Minix1F: "tell me! who???"
Minix1F: and "Grace will you marry me?"
Minix1F: hehe
PiFactor5: ($*!&@$(!@*)^!!!!!!!!!!
Minix1F: j/k
PiFactor5: NO!
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: hehe
PiFactor5: you promised about that one =)
Minix1F: I know
PiFactor5: k, gg eat now
PiFactor5: don't do anything TOO bad =) heh
Minix1F: heh, yeah sure
PiFactor5: 52k btw
PiFactor5: k, bbls
PiFactor5: doh
PiFactor5: bbl
Minix1F: bye
PiFactor5: ok
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: did you do anything?
Minix1F: maybe
PiFactor5: ugh
PiFactor5: fine, I'll give you another ad view =) haha
PiFactor5: ok...
PiFactor5: tell Sarah now.. heh
Minix1F: did
PiFactor5: you did?
PiFactor5: oh, ok
PiFactor5: alo?
Minix1F: yes I dud
PiFactor5: did she go to it?
PiFactor5: wabba wabba
Minix1F: yep new quote
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: wow, I love my script =) hehe
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: booga wooga
PiFactor5: ok...
Minix1F: m too
Minix1F: how much space would it be to add say 5 msg boards to site?
PiFactor5: why 5?
Minix1F: I didnt impersonate!
Minix1F: oh ok
PiFactor5: what for?
PiFactor5: yahoo!!!
(3) 224781 [ 7.53%]
Minix1F: one for verge, one for srpg95, one for rpgnaker, one for sphere, and
one for horn
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: um... why can't you just put them all together? lol
Minix1F: send to me!
PiFactor5: nah, it won't take that much...
Minix1F: they'll get way too may apiece
PiFactor5: (98) 179 [ 0.01%]
PiFactor5: ok, I can make 5 seperate ones
Minix1F: argh,,,,
PiFactor5: dang... this stinks:
PiFactor5: (96) 272 [ 0.01%]
(97) 184 [ 0.01%]
(98) 179 [ 0.01%]
Minix1F: oook
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: lol
Minix1F: do not worry we'll rise soon :-)
PiFactor5: make us proud! =)
Minix1F: should be able to add enough by end of week
PiFactor5: this one makes us proud:
(14) 51953 [ 1.74%]

PiFactor5: haha =)
Minix1F: heh, they'll be in our dust soon!
PiFactor5: lol, ok cool
Minix1F: d/' 28 mb today
PiFactor5: only thing I worry about is that... I would like more C&C/TS related stuff...
PiFactor5: but that's ok =)
PiFactor5: maybe try and start a C&C-related RPG? haha
PiFactor5: =)
Minix1F: oh, there are a few
PiFactor5: of course... that may break some copyright/legal stuff...
PiFactor5: so nm...
PiFactor5: =)
Minix1F: actually if not for profit its ok
Minix1F: and I plan to make tileset for it
Minix1F: err from it
PiFactor5: cool =)
Minix1F: but...most wont be from C&C
PiFactor5: yeah, ok
PiFactor5: when do you want them by?
PiFactor5: (message boards)
Minix1F: ummm end of week, but I'll put them in, I just needed to know if
space ok

PiFactor5: message boards don't take much space at all
PiFactor5: it's mainly the CGI processing you look at when dealing with boards, not
Minix1F: ok, thats good, even if they have bunches of messages?
PiFactor5: but it should be fine
PiFactor5: as long as the banners are showing, it's cool =)
Minix1F: ok
Minix1F: heh.....ok
Minix1F: Olivia impersonated me!'
PiFactor5: where?
Minix1F: kill her!
PiFactor5: eh...
Minix1F: the very top
PiFactor5: she filled it out wrong
Minix1F: no she impersonated me!
Minix1F: really!
PiFactor5: hehe, cool cool =)
Minix1F: what?
PiFactor5: the script =)
Minix1F: oooh yes it is
PiFactor5: do you know other Olivia?...
Minix1F: yes
Minix1F: Olive03?
PiFactor5: yeah
PiFactor5: tell her?
Minix1F: yeah you should
PiFactor5: well, I was asking if you told her....
PiFactor5: but ok =)
Minix1F: brb
PiFactor5: k
Minix1F: hand not in cast
PiFactor5: eh?
Minix1F: took off cast
Minix1F: cold
PiFactor5: took it off?
Minix1F: yes
PiFactor5: you can do that? =)
PiFactor5: 71k!
Minix1F: yes...... hurts though
PiFactor5: 70k more!
Minix1F: heh
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: unless if I "accidently" close this...
PiFactor5: haha
Minix1F: argh
Minix1F: you do and......
PiFactor5: man, that was a long chat though...
PiFactor5: the second longest one was only 84k...
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: then 83k, then 71k (this one)
PiFactor5: hehe
Minix1F: we beat it!
PiFactor5: it was.... 3.5 hours long
PiFactor5: (140k one)
Minix1F: hmmmmmmm how long this one?
Minix1F: timewise
PiFactor5: 3.5
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: lol
Minix1F: you talk to her twice as much as me!
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: I talk with you more frequently though =)
Minix1F: yeah
Minix1F: das ist die truth
PiFactor5: what? that I talk with you more frequently?
PiFactor5: 76k
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: yeah
PiFactor5: 4th place =) hehe
Minix1F: need first!
PiFactor5: heh
PiFactor5: doh, gotta reboot
PiFactor5: lol, j/k
Minix1F: noooooo
Minix1F: lol oook
Minix1F: in gamestats mag
PiFactor5: mag?
Minix1F: nm
PiFactor5: k...
Minix1F: does gamestats ever mind that tiberiumsuns layout better than
Minix1F: *theirs
PiFactor5: no.. it actually wants their affiliates to do better than their own site
Minix1F: cool
PiFactor5: we're a happy little network =) hehe
PiFactor5: "little" =)
Minix1F: :-)
Minix1F: talk!
PiFactor5: wabba
PiFactor5: 80k
PiFactor5: still 4th =)
Minix1F: wabba wugga wurgles
Minix1F: argh need to win
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: OOPS
PiFactor5: lol, j/k
PiFactor5: ALT-F4....
Minix1F: I looking at gamestats and other network affiliation
PiFactor5: =)
Minix1F: :-)
Minix1F: hope not
PiFactor5: (CTRL-ALT-DEL) x2 =)
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: "oops"
Minix1F: lol
Minix1F: size?
PiFactor5: 2k
PiFactor5: lol, j/k
Minix1F: arghh
PiFactor5: 83k
PiFactor5: tied for 3rd
PiFactor5: tied for second now
PiFactor5: actually... second =)
Minix1F: :-)
Minix1F: yay!
PiFactor5: about 60k more to go! =) lol
PiFactor5: dang... did we really talk that much? wow...
Minix1F: lol
Minix1F: we can do better than these! some of them
PiFactor5: yeah
PiFactor5: it's not really how your site looks...
Minix1F: brb putting arm back in cast
Minix1F: more info too
PiFactor5: it's if you can get visitors to come back... with good content and many
Minix1F: yep
Minix1F: think we could do that too
PiFactor5: yeah...
Minix1F: just be hard, and have to get Matt interested
Minix1F: lots of work, Id imgagine
PiFactor5: yeah...
PiFactor5: Matt interested in what?
Minix1F: updating on game development
PiFactor5: ah...
Minix1F: on the affiliate thing it has to be about one type of thing

PiFactor5: yeah, I know
Minix1F: where Olivia go
PiFactor5: no se
Minix1F: ahwell :-)
PiFactor5: er... I dunno
Minix1F: lol
PiFactor5: =) hehe
Minix1F: she said she be right back
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: she has to go to Hastings with my dad, lol
Minix1F: ooooh i c
Minix1F: 6 more mb of game to d/l and I through with game d/l for time being!
PiFactor5: heh, we talked about more things though..
PiFactor5: most of this chat is nonsense =) hehe
PiFactor5: trying to fill up k's =) hehe
Minix1F: yep
Minix1F: :-) but that ok withme
PiFactor5: and still not even close yet...
PiFactor5: 91k
PiFactor5: so right now it's...
6)Doris and friend
10)Ochs and Claire

PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: that took up some k's
PiFactor5: 1k
PiFactor5: hehe
Minix1F: I only guy in top 9
PiFactor5: lol, yeah =)
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: that's funny... hehe
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: wasting k's...
PiFactor5: ack, only 398MB left!
PiFactor5: AH!!!!!!!
Minix1F: huh?
Minix1F: oh lol
PiFactor5: hmmm... if I piss Grace off... it starts a long conversation.. hehe
Minix1F: soo you planning to piss me off?
PiFactor5: no
PiFactor5: hehe
PiFactor5: it gave me a headache...
PiFactor5: of course...
PiFactor5: I forgot to turn on the fan in my room
Minix1F: lol
PiFactor5: and Grace was talking about killing me...
PiFactor5: and my kids...
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: hehe
PiFactor5: 97k... 43k more to go!
PiFactor5: at 139k, I'm going to close it
PiFactor5: hahahahahahhahaa
Minix1F: nononononononono
PiFactor5: yeah! that would be funny!
PiFactor5: bwhahahahahahahahaha
Minix1F: I type something really long to get 138 139 140 and 141!
PiFactor5: this nonsense stuff doesn't deserve to be #1
PiFactor5: there's a limit to the number of characters
PiFactor5: hehe
PiFactor5: of course...
Minix1F: yes it does, some of it deep thought
Minix1F: hehe on aim there is
PiFactor5: "I rack your nuts off..." isn't really quality talk either...
Minix1F: lol exactly
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: 100k
PiFactor5: we started at 9:30! seesh
PiFactor5: 4.5 hours...
Minix1F: lol
PiFactor5: it takes us 4.5 hours to beat 3.5 hours?...
PiFactor5: err...
Minix1F: all of ign's affiliates get more hts than tiberiumsun
PiFactor5: 4.5+
PiFactor5: really?
Minix1F: yes
PiFactor5: how many affil's they got?
PiFactor5: lemme see =)
Minix1F: no nm those are overall! lol
PiFactor5: lol, ok =)
PiFactor5: I guess... that proves a point...
PiFactor5: that girls do talk more than guys...
Minix1F: they have 8
PiFactor5: hehe
Minix1F: yes, they do
PiFactor5: type more too I guess
Minix1F: 10000 more words a day
PiFactor5: =)
PiFactor5: 104k
PiFactor5: this is sad...
Minix1F: yes very
Minix1F: pathetic even
PiFactor5: I'm going to close the chat at 139k
PiFactor5: haha
PiFactor5: just so we have to try again
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: nooooooooooo
PiFactor5: yeah, that'll be good
PiFactor5: or maybe tie
PiFactor5: yeah, tie will be okay
Minix1F: heh.....argh
PiFactor5: dang... lol, this chat is hilarious... (one with Grace)... heheh
PiFactor5: I actually asked:
PiFactor5: "would it just be one time? =)"
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: hehe
PiFactor5: I think I was a little wacko then...
PiFactor5: "I think I'm already wacko..."
PiFactor5: see? this chat is so sad.. that I have to pull stuff from Grace's chat to put into this one.. hehehe
PiFactor5: j/k...
Minix1F: lol
Minix1F: yep
PiFactor5: heh...
PiFactor5: "we're having a nice conversation right now, aren't we?... "
PiFactor5: hehe
PiFactor5: (me)
Minix1F: hehe
AngeLuve16: up to... 5 mins
AngeLuve16: that's it
PiFactor5: oh...
PiFactor5: ok, I have 5 minutes to think again =)
AngeLuve16: not to think
AngeLuve16: okay, I'm going to hurt you...

PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: heh, that cracks me up.. hehehe
PiFactor5: 110k =)
Minix1F: chat I have with Olivia 163 k, now
AngeLuve16: I'm loading the page...
AngeLuve16: and...
AngeLuve16: you are going to die...
PiFactor5: uh oh....
AngeLuve16: you are going to die
PiFactor5: umm...
AngeLuve16: *evil cackle*

Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: see... I'm ripping off other chats...
PiFactor5: this is so sad...
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: about 100k=Olivia's? =)
PiFactor5: hehe
Minix1F: childhood, I loved that
PiFactor5: shut up
PiFactor5: =)
Minix1F: yeah well
Minix1F: she writes more than me!
AngeLuve16: hmmm...
AngeLuve16: I see my picture...
AngeLuve16: I kill you

PiFactor5: see:
PiFactor5: ok, I'm back =)
AngeLuve16: loser =)
PiFactor5: what??
AngeLuve16: dunno, just felt like calling you loser =)

PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: hehe
Minix1F: PiFactor5: did you do anything?
Minix1F: maybe
PiFactor5: 115k
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: this is pathetic
PiFactor5: this chat deserves to die right now
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: NO
Minix1F: it doesnt
PiFactor5: yeah... =)
PiFactor5: that was a good quote...
PiFactor5: "This is pathetic. This chat deserves to die right now."
PiFactor5: hehe
Minix1F: nooooo
PiFactor5: I think I'll put that up...
Minix1F: ok
PiFactor5: and then close this chat... hahaha
Minix1F: NOO
Minix1F: geeferbubblesalakazam
PiFactor5: hehe
PiFactor5: back to 100%
PiFactor5: 118k
Minix1F: geefellllllllljk;;t78oltgyufgyikr7iu
PiFactor5: did Brian tell you about his 5-girls-in-a-bikini-incident?
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: noooo tell me
PiFactor5: ok =) hehe, more k's sucking...
Mav Fave: oh, I had a lot of fun yesterday
Mav Fave: Schlitterbaun!
Mav Fave: at one time, Ryan and I were in one of the "rivers" that goes
around in a circle...
Mav Fave: and we noticed 5 good-looking girls in bikinis walking along

Mav Fave: they saw that we were watching...
Mav Fave: and one stopped, held up a volleyball, and waved us to follow!
PiFactor5: lol
Mav Fave: I was like: "OK, we're GOING!, Ryan"
Mav Fave: so we followed them
Mav Fave: once we got to the court (sand), Ryan started walking over to
the picnic tables nearby...
Mav Fave: so I went over... B: "What's wrong"
Mav Fave: R: "Volleyball's not really my thing..."

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: B: "It's not mine either, but 5 girls in bikinis who want me to
play ARE!"

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: B: "I'll give you two minutes to reconsider this...just think about

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: B: "5 girls want us to play volleyball with them!"
Mav Fave: 2 minutes go by...

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: B: "Ryan, this is symbolic here! You will either make the
choice to make the little effort that's necessary, or just let life pass you by..."

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: R: "I dunno..."
Mav Fave: B: "If you don't go over there, I will never let you forget this!"

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: B: "There's no way this could be ANY's LAID IN
YOUR LAP! They have already invited you..."

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: B: "There's no chance of rejection, no chance of ANYTHING
BAD, just walk over there and play volleyball with the 5 nice, good-looking
girls who want us to play!"

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: B: "I'm just going to wait here for one more minute, and then
I'm just going to have to leave...that would be a BIG
Mav Fave: 3 minutes go by...
Mav Fave: B: "You're sure you don't want to do this?!?!?!"
Mav Fave: R: *shrug*

PiFactor5: Mav Fave: I couldn't just ditch him to play with the girls...
Mav Fave: that would be mean
Mav Fave: so...
Mav Fave: we LEFT!

PiFactor5: ok
PiFactor5: 124k!!!!!!!!!
PiFactor5: *SIGH*
Minix1F: LoL
Minix1F: lol, Ryan can be pretty shy
PiFactor5: yeah =)
Minix1F: I remember in 7th grade he asked someone to ask me to ask this girl if she liked

PiFactor5: ok, gotta open another chat to cut out stuff from... hehe
PiFactor5: lol
Minix1F: ook
Minix1F: Minix1F: I wonder how long ours is
Magestry21: I dunno
Magestry21: what's our longest paged IM?
Minix1F: 43 :-)

WiThLuV01: b/c ppl's lives are so crazy!
WiThLuV01: ppl are so stupid!!!
WiThLuV01: ppl are so retarded!!!
WiThLuV01: ppl don't think!!!

Minix1F: hehe
PiFactor5: 43 pages?
PiFactor5: oh...
PiFactor5: what resolution you have?
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: 800x600?
Minix1F: that was it copied and pasted into Wordpad
PiFactor5: oh... I'll see on mine...
PiFactor5: dumdedum....
PiFactor5: dang, it's taking a while to copy...
Minix1F: I just do select all..
Minix1F: er nm
PiFactor5: that's what I did
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: hm... 17 pages in Works...
PiFactor5: how do you find out how many pages in Wordpad?
Minix1F: wordpad
Minix1F: print preview
PiFactor5: ah, ok
PiFactor5: 28 =)
PiFactor5: hehe
Minix1F: :-)
Minix1F: hahaha!
Minix1F: of course
PiFactor5: how big is that 43 page file?
PiFactor5: in k's?
Minix1F: Grace or Nancy arent on as often or for as long
Minix1F: 229
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: ah, ok =)
PiFactor5: 131k
PiFactor5: !
PiFactor5: =)
Minix1F: :-):-):-)
PiFactor5: time to press... the X
Minix1F: not until 145
PiFactor5: I'll do it at 139k just to get you mad =)
PiFactor5: hahahahahah
Minix1F: :-)
Minix1F: I know you would
PiFactor5: 133k
PiFactor5: I am =)
Minix1F: but remember.....
Minix1F: I have it too
PiFactor5: yeah
Minix1F: :-)
PiFactor5: then I won't talk with you
PiFactor5: haha
Minix1F: I can talk to you without you respoonding :-)
PiFactor5: lol fine with me
Minix1F: *responding
PiFactor5: but then...
Minix1F: it annoying typing one handed
PiFactor5: it still won't be #1.. you have to beat 220+k
PiFactor5: hahahahahaha
Minix1F: yeah, your right it will be around 11th though!
Minix1F: let me see my chats
PiFactor5: hehe
PiFactor5: almost...
PiFactor5: almost...
PiFactor5: hehe...
Minix1F: 1. Olivia
3. Olivia
4 Olivia
5. Stephanie
6. Joann
7. Olivia
8. Meagan
9. Stephanie
10. Claire
11. Ochs
12. Stephanie
14. this one
Minix1F: how close?
Minix1F: hmm?
Minix1F: 138?
Minix1F: 139?
Minix1F: 140?
PiFactor5: 138
Minix1F: ah I c :-)
PiFactor5: hehehe
Minix1F: I havent talked much to Steph recently

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