Chat: Oliver & Jennifer

PiFactor5: maybe I should put the chat logs up now...
JesusNut2216: that
PiFactor5: dang, laziness just got me
PiFactor5: =)
JesusNut2216: noooooo!!
JesusNut2216: get that butt up and do it NOW MISTER!!!
PiFactor5: hey... is sweets1447 Amanda? she's on my list for some reason and I forgot who it was....
JesusNut2216: yeah
JesusNut2216: that's her
PiFactor5: I like sitting down... I'm sleepy.....
PiFactor5: lazy...
PiFactor5: ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz...
JesusNut2216: GET UP AND DO IT!
PiFactor5: wha? huh?
PiFactor5: do what?
PiFactor5: oh
PiFactor5: yeah...
PiFactor5: but... lazy
PiFactor5: don't feel like it...
PiFactor5: can I have a hug?
PiFactor5: lol
PiFactor5: j/k
JesusNut2216: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again.
JesusNut2216: huh?
PiFactor5: j/k
JesusNut2216: you want a hug?
PiFactor5: heh, I was just kidding... the "j/k" came late because of my stupid rate limit...
JesusNut2216: oh...
PiFactor5: you might actually get to see the wabba mood today =)
JesusNut2216: hehe
JesusNut2216: that good or bad?
PiFactor5: ahh, I dunno
PiFactor5: depends on what I start saying I guess...
JesusNut2216: lol
PiFactor5: for Sarah, it's bad... because I tend to start asking her to marry me... hehehe... it's funny to see what she says =)
JesusNut2216: hmmm...
JesusNut2216: lol!
PiFactor5: I don't feel like it though
JesusNut2216: DO IT NOW!
PiFactor5: what's in it for me?....... hahaha... oh boy...
JesusNut2216: DO IT!!!!!!!!!
JesusNut2216: don't ask questions, just do it!!
PiFactor5: Just Do It... that's Nike's little trademark thing, ya know
JesusNut2216: yeah...but did I say "JUST do it?" Noooo....
JesusNut2216: don't ask questions, just do it!!
JesusNut2216: oh..hehe
JesusNut2216: yes I know it's their trademark thing...
PiFactor5: hehe, blondes are funny
PiFactor5: lol
JesusNut2216: I try... :o)
PiFactor5: hahahahaaaaa... oh man... my head... hahaha...
JesusNut2216: umm...ok?
PiFactor5: yeah, ok
JesusNut2216: lol..ok
PiFactor5: haha, that fat guy is funny
PiFactor5: I'm bored
JesusNut2216: fat guy?
PiFactor5: yeah, da fat guy
PiFactor5: I'm too lazy though
JesusNut2216: DO IT!!!
PiFactor5: I need some incentive...
PiFactor5: I feel... tired...
PiFactor5: fat guy's still funny though
JesusNut2216: WHAT FAT GUY?
PiFactor5: I have the energy I think
PiFactor5: not the will power =)
JesusNut2216: UGH!
PiFactor5: Ghostbusters!
JesusNut2216: huh?
PiFactor5: dumdedumdedum... dumdedumdumdumdumdumdum...
JesusNut2216: lol..ok..?
PiFactor5: yep, ok
PiFactor5: hi
JesusNut2216: hi
PiFactor5: how are you?
JesusNut2216: I'm are you?
PiFactor5: I'm cool
PiFactor5: haha
JesusNut2216: no you're're not cool!
JesusNut2216: you're cold!!
PiFactor5: Estoy fresco!
PiFactor5: frio?
JesusNut2216: riiiiight
PiFactor5: ohh.... Estoy frio....
PiFactor5: por que?
PiFactor5: haha
PiFactor5: I am kinda cold
PiFactor5: maybe I should put on a jacket
JesusNut2216: I know the por que...that's "why?" right?
JesusNut2216: maybe...
PiFactor5: you know, I ran to Old Town and back today... ooOOoooOOOooohhh AaaaaAAAaa....
JesusNut2216: why????
PiFactor5: because I was bored
PiFactor5: it's almost miiiiiddddniiighht...
PiFactor5: not really
PiFactor5: just felt like saying that
JesusNut2216: you're willing to run to Old Town and back...but not willing to do the chat logs?
JesusNut2216: umm...alright
PiFactor5: yeah
PiFactor5: it was a Forest Gump sensation....
PiFactor5: just felt like running.....
JesusNut2216: lol
PiFactor5: running......
JesusNut2216: but you eventually stopped...
PiFactor5: maybe I should have smacked into the wall...
PiFactor5: so did he!
PiFactor5: ok.. miniature Forest Gump sensation
JesusNut2216: he smacked into a wall?
JesusNut2216: lol
PiFactor5: no, I just felt like I should have
JesusNut2216: oh..ok..that's cool
JesusNut2216: I run into doors sometimes
PiFactor5: I was thinking about getting one of thsoe removable tatoos of tweetie bird and sticking it on my forehead
PiFactor5: I did at the mall
PiFactor5: one of those auto-closing ones
JesusNut2216: you should do that!!
PiFactor5: ran right into it
JesusNut2216: lol! you did?
JesusNut2216: how?
PiFactor5: it was open when I saw it...
PiFactor5: then I turned around to talk to Matt....
JesusNut2216: lol!!
PiFactor5: and it closed... so I ran righ into ti
PiFactor5: it*
PiFactor5: I had fun
PiFactor5: bye bye Grace
JesusNut2216: I have a friend that those things like don't pick her up....they like won't open for's soooo funny...she like jumps around in front of it and stuff and it still won't open for her
PiFactor5: huh?
PiFactor5: eh, ok
PiFactor5: Taco Bell!
PiFactor5: I am Taco Paco!
PiFactor5: WAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
PiFactor5: Minix loves you.
PiFactor5: actually...
PiFactor5: Mike Nguyen...
PiFactor5: see: Minix1F: I LOVE MY ELEPHANTS Minix1F: and Bears... Minix1F: especially Mikey Wikey Nguyeny, my cuddly bear and
JesusNut2216: lol!!
PiFactor5: lalaalallalaal
PiFactor5: Taco Paco like taco's
PiFactor5: Taco Paco's Taco
JesusNut2216: I wouldn't think that he would...
JesusNut2216: considering that's his name
JesusNut2216: I think he'd be tired of hearing about them...
PiFactor5: I think I feel like rhyming again...
PiFactor5: let's see...
JesusNut2216: ok...
PiFactor5: Minix loooks like a beee...
JesusNut2216: Okie Dokie Smokey!!
PiFactor5: he's big and fat...
PiFactor5: unlike a bat
JesusNut2216: alright..that one stinks
PiFactor5: my poems stink...
JesusNut2216: yes they do
PiFactor5: I should flush them down the sink
PiFactor5: you don't like my poems? me very sad =(
PiFactor5: I feeling very bad =(
JesusNut2216: I sorry!!
PiFactor5: not really... because I'm still happy =)
JesusNut2216: you can't flush something down the sink..
JesusNut2216: the flushing occurs in the toiler
JesusNut2216: toilet*
PiFactor5: ehh.. pappy?
PiFactor5: Olivia is home now!...
PiFactor5: she's a cow
PiFactor5: brb...
PiFactor5: yackey yack
JesusNut2216: lol
JesusNut2216: ok
PiFactor5: okay, I'm back
PiFactor5: yackety yack
JesusNut2216: hi!
PiFactor5: you know that song?...
PiFactor5: maybe I have it wrong...
PiFactor5: uh oh, I have to clean up...
PiFactor5: lot of dishes and stuff like a cup...
JesusNut2216: I think you do have it wrong
PiFactor5: so I'll be back...
PiFactor5: and then I'm going to pack...
PiFactor5: for... nothing...
JesusNut2216: I have to pack tomorrow!!
PiFactor5: but it had a certain ring...
PiFactor5: ok, I gotta go now.... be back later...
PiFactor5: alligator! =)))
JesusNut2216: lol
Auto response from PiFactor5: Cleaning the dishes... make some wishes
JesusNut2216: ok...
JesusNut2216: lalalalalalalalalalalalala
JesusNut2216: lelelelelelelelelelelelele
JesusNut2216: lylylylylylylylylylylyl
JesusNut2216: dodododododododod
JesusNut2216: sosososososo
JesusNut2216: I'm tired, I'm going to bed...nighty night night night!!

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