Chat: Minix & Sarah

Luckyflt03: Hello
INeedNameBad00: hello!
INeedNameBad00: i love annoying Oliver =)
INeedNameBad00: so how are you?
Luckyflt03: hehehe
Luckyflt03: good
INeedNameBad00: thats good
INeedNameBad00: whats your night been like?
Luckyflt03: uh... good?
Luckyflt03: you ask alot of the same questions.
INeedNameBad00: i know
Luckyflt03: =P
INeedNameBad00: its like a habit
Luckyflt03: yeah
Luckyflt03: stupid habit.
INeedNameBad00: I think its because I can never think of anything interesting to ask
Luckyflt03: haha
INeedNameBad00: yep
INeedNameBad00: exactly
Luckyflt03: nothing interesting to ask?
Luckyflt03: How about
INeedNameBad00: yeah
Luckyflt03: "Do you know what it's like to be a carrot?"
INeedNameBad00: well, last time I asked someone that, they thought it was a racist joke.....
INeedNameBad00: ouch....
Luckyflt03: lol
Luckyflt03: I don't get how that's racist
INeedNameBad00: me either.....
Luckyflt03: uh.... ok
Luckyflt03: I have a feeling you never asked that question.
Luckyflt03: =)
INeedNameBad00: well.....I asked someone how it felt to be a tomato
Luckyflt03: really
Luckyflt03: that's very...
Luckyflt03: interesting.
INeedNameBad00: yeah I guess so
Luckyflt03: lol
INeedNameBad00: Jennifer replied with.....
Luckyflt03: well I would hate being a tomato cuz you have too many juicy guts
INeedNameBad00: "It's great, as long as I dont get eaten"
Luckyflt03: that's jennifer for ya
INeedNameBad00: yeah, good point
INeedNameBad00: and if you're green, you get a lot of bad movie jokes
Luckyflt03: ok... new question. Have you ever put a sock in your eye?
INeedNameBad00: mostly about being fried
INeedNameBad00: yeah, once....
Luckyflt03: hehe
INeedNameBad00: thats why my heads so big....
Luckyflt03: lol, tell me about it
INeedNameBad00: we never did get it out
Luckyflt03: lol
Luckyflt03: ur question
Luckyflt03: (so that's in place of your brain?)
INeedNameBad00: yeah, =) prevented collapse I guess
Luckyflt03: heh
Luckyflt03: hurry ask question
Luckyflt03: ur taking too long!
INeedNameBad00: have you ever had a mayonnaise slushie?
Luckyflt03: yeah.
Luckyflt03: I didn't like it
INeedNameBad00: was it good?
Luckyflt03: well
Luckyflt03: it was at first
Luckyflt03: then I left it sitting in the sun
Luckyflt03: and it rotted.
Luckyflt03: ick
INeedNameBad00: ugh........................
Luckyflt03: yeah
INeedNameBad00: thats uh....
INeedNameBad00: yeah
Luckyflt03: it was pretty sick.
Luckyflt03: I threw up out of my nose then
Luckyflt03: LoL
INeedNameBad00: i hate mental images.....
Luckyflt03: HAHA
INeedNameBad00: you should be embarassed...thats not a great site....
Luckyflt03: hehehhe
Luckyflt03: have you ever got your head stuck inside a light bulb?
INeedNameBad00: not my whole head....
INeedNameBad00: just my nose
Luckyflt03: oh
Luckyflt03: yeah me too
INeedNameBad00: but!
Luckyflt03: ?
INeedNameBad00: I found out that my nose alone produces enough energy to light a 60 watt lightbulb
Luckyflt03: lol
Luckyflt03: that's lovely
INeedNameBad00: well, when I sneeze atleast
Luckyflt03: ew
Luckyflt03: bad mental picture
INeedNameBad00: but, I cant exactly do it too much because of overflow......
Luckyflt03: OH GROSS
INeedNameBad00: thats when---nm =)
Luckyflt03: stop it
Luckyflt03: see, my nose just got cut off because I tried to yank off the light bulb
INeedNameBad00: your turn ms. mayonnaise
Luckyflt03: ha.... that's from Doug
Luckyflt03: her name's Patti Mayonnaise
INeedNameBad00: oh....ah....(lol! oh yeah!)
Luckyflt03: HEHE
INeedNameBad00: did it hurt
Luckyflt03: anyway...
Luckyflt03: no, I got my nose cut off and it didn't hurt... sheesh
INeedNameBad00: oh, sorry, didn't know, never had my nose actually cut off....
INeedNameBad00: i thought it would but heh, what do I know
Luckyflt03: oh.. heh... you are stuplid
Luckyflt03: *stupid
Luckyflt03: :)
INeedNameBad00: =)
INeedNameBad00: i know it
INeedNameBad00: I get it from my friends
Luckyflt03: stuplid.. that's a pretty cool word
INeedNameBad00: heh
INeedNameBad00: I was playing Boulderdash with my family earlier.....
Luckyflt03: Have you ever slept inside a cave in the ocean?
Luckyflt03: =) ha I have that game
INeedNameBad00: and one of words was I said it was a common italian curseword, sooooo now if I ever write xat you, or oh xat! =)
Luckyflt03: lol
Luckyflt03: XAT!
Luckyflt03: How do you say that? :)
INeedNameBad00: I drowned in a cave in the ocean
INeedNameBad00: like Zat
Luckyflt03: lol
INeedNameBad00: still there
Luckyflt03: uh...
Luckyflt03: lovely
Luckyflt03: I think this should go to pj....
INeedNameBad00: internet connections good though, apparently the ocean transmits phone lines well
Luckyflt03: yeah, I noticed.
INeedNameBad00: NOOOOOOO
Luckyflt03: HAHAHA
Luckyflt03: why not?
INeedNameBad00: why does everything I write end up on that email list
Luckyflt03: think about that one Matt
Luckyflt03: hey I gotta go
INeedNameBad00: because i'm so cool, and you all need stuff for your book list?
Luckyflt03: you... ponder that
Luckyflt03: book list?
Luckyflt03: what the?
INeedNameBad00: hah, the perfect guy thing
Luckyflt03: lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
INeedNameBad00: everyone makes fun of moi.....
Luckyflt03: um.... sorry to dissapoint you... but no.
INeedNameBad00: lol, i know
Luckyflt03: now I better go.....
Luckyflt03: so, bye!!!
INeedNameBad00: lol oh yeah, bye
INeedNameBad00: have great weekend!
Luckyflt03: you too

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